Saturday, September 21, 2013

The choice is yours!

After three weeks of being down with a flare from my lovely array of chronic illnesses I am now back to work and back to all the stress of the reality of life.  I'm really not sure I want to be a grown up. But I have an idea after seeing all my friend's children starting back to school it brought back memories of my first days of school.  The elementary years where it's all fun and exciting, that's how I want my life to be now!

Wouldn't that be great?

It would be, but life is life and as an adult I think that feeling is limited in our lives.  I know it is in mine, once I wake up my brain kicks in and sometimes my adult life leaves little to be excited over in starting the day. I can't change all the stress and struggles of life.  But I can challenge myself every day upon waking to put at the top of the to do lists that begins streaming in my head to be excited!  Why, because I am alive and that in itself is something to be truly excited over!

So, be alive my friends!  It really is a choice to be happy and to find happiness in even the smallest of things.

What choice will you make???

Love and hugs!
~just simply liz~

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